
diumenge, 13 de maig del 2012

My body loves me :)

“Sinusitis is an inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, which may be due to infection, allergy, or autoimmune issues.”
Why do I post this? Because I have sinusitis, SURPRISE! It’s horrible, we start the last week, full of exams, and my dumb body decides to being ill, perfect. I’ve to go to the doctor and see what’s going wrong, but I really don’t have time right now...

I think it’s because the allergy. I don’t know exactly what I’m allergic to, because they don’t want me to make some tests in order to discover it (incompetent people to watch over people’s health, it has no sense...Nowadays, because of the cuts, you have to go to a private doctor if you really want to know what to do, and that’s a shame I think. Isn’t health a human right?).

Headache, cold, fever... I’ve visit a webpage, called Medline Plus, and according to it, I have to drink a lot of water and to watch out with my diet. Well, it means that I’ll spend my 18’s birthday eating carrots and drinking water, nice! It sounds quite fun!
I hope it doesn’t cause any problems to me. I have to go to the doctor as soon as possible, but until then, I’ll be drinking water...

See you! 

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