
dimecres, 29 de febrer del 2012

Sleeping pills "linked to increased death risk"

"Sleeping pills used by thousands of people in the UK appear to be linked with a higher death risk, doctors warn. Death risk among users was about four times higher, although the absolute risk was still relatively low."

OMG what are you talking about? I've taken a lot of sleeping pills! I'M DYING RIGHT NOW! Joking, it's true that I have taken sleeping pils, but they are made of valerian extract, anything dangerous ;)
I think that if these pills are linked with a higher death risk, it'd better to remove them from the drugstore! I'd prefer to be nervous and to take another kind of pills, than to die, that's obvious! Everybody knows that sometimes they don't take it away because it's a source of income and they don't care about our health...so, if anybody is reading this...please, tell them (from me) that if they have only ONE neuron, then they'll realize that this pills are dangerous ;)

"In this latest study, those taking the highest doses of sleeping tablets also appeared to be at greater risk of developing cancer." Hahahaha, that's hilarious...now, take them away from the market :)

Mental note: If someday I travel to UK, I won't take any sleeping pill.

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